Fighting return to the office: tactics for gaining full-time remote status ๐Ÿก๐Ÿ’ผ

As the world slowly emerges from the pandemic, companies are moving towards Return to Office (RTO) and hybrid work models. However, many employees who have experienced the benefits of working remotely full-time now wish to maintain this flexibility. If you’re one of those looking to keep your remote status while juggling multiple full-time W2 remote jobs (being overemployed), this blog post will provide you with tactics to help you make a convincing case to your boss to grant you the exception to work full-time remotely. ๐ŸŽฏ๐ŸŒ

Highlight Your Productivity and Efficiency ๐Ÿ“ˆ

Emphasize your increased productivity and efficiency when working remotely. Use data and examples to back up your claims. For instance, share your completed tasks, projects, or accomplishments during remote work periods.

Quote: “Since I started working remotely, I’ve been able to complete 25% more tasks on a weekly basis. This has not only benefited me but also the team and our overall productivity.” ๐Ÿš€

Showcase Your Time Management Skills โฐ

Prove that you’re an expert at managing your time and balancing multiple responsibilities while working remotely. Demonstrate how you’ve successfully met deadlines and handled multiple projects simultaneously.

Quote: “Working remotely has allowed me to better manage my time and workload. I’ve consistently met or exceeded deadlines, even while handling multiple projects.” โŒ›

Address Collaboration and Communication Concerns ๐Ÿค

Assure your boss that you can maintain effective collaboration and communication even if you’re working remotely full-time. Share examples of how you’ve used tools like Zoom, Slack, or Microsoft Teams to stay connected with your team.

Quote: “Despite working remotely, I’ve always stayed connected with the team through tools like Slack and Zoom. Our collaboration has remained strong, and I’m confident it will continue to do so.” ๐ŸŽฅ

Advocate for a Trial Period ๐Ÿงช

Suggest a trial period where you can continue to work remotely full-time. This will give your boss an opportunity to evaluate your performance and commitment to your job.

Quote: “I propose a three-month trial period where I continue to work remotely full-time. This will give us a chance to assess whether this arrangement works for both of us.” ๐Ÿ“…

Discuss Your Work-Life Balance ๐Ÿง˜

Explain how remote work has positively impacted your work-life balance, and how maintaining that balance helps you stay motivated and engaged in your work.

Quote: “Working remotely has significantly improved my work-life balance. I’m able to manage my personal responsibilities and maintain a healthy lifestyle, which ultimately makes me a more focused and motivated employee.” ๐Ÿงฉ

Transfer to Another Team That is Remote-Friendly โžก๏ธ

If your current team or department is hesitant to embrace full-time remote work, consider exploring opportunities within your company to transfer to a team that is more remote-friendly. This way, you can maintain your connection with the organization while enjoying the flexibility of working remotely.

Quote: “I’ve noticed that Team X within our organization is more open to remote work arrangements. Would it be possible for me to explore a transfer to that team, where my remote work preferences might be better aligned with their existing culture?” ๐Ÿ”„๐ŸŒ

Winning the remote work battle requires a combination of presenting a strong case, using the right tactics, and exploring alternative options like transferring to a remote-friendly team. Be professional, honest, and respectful in your conversations with your boss, and always back up your claims with examples and data. By doing so, you can increase your chances of maintaining your full-time remote job status. Good luck in your quest for full-time remote work! ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ†