Multiple W2 Full-Time Jobs for Knowledge Workers to to Achieve Peace of Mind, Better Life Work Balance and Faster Financial Independence, Retire Early

Can you imagine retiring not in 40, 30 or 20 years from now but in 10, 5 or even 3? It’s possible with multiple full-time W2 jobs 🚀! Moreover, it’s totally legal and fun. People who do this report less stress and more time to spend on hobbies, family and their health, because instead of chasing promotions and being afraid of letting go, they bank the money and feel relaxed 🪴.

Gone are the days when people retired with a golden watch after decades of serving a single company. Pensions are gone too and everyone has to save for retirement for themselves. Gig economy hires contractors instead of full-time employees to offset their costs and to avoid paying benefits. Even for white-collar knowledge workers🧑‍💻, the work benefits are dwindling and the perks are becoming less.

Now it’s time to turn the tables and become a company of one where you treat your W2 full-time employers as clients that you can fire at any moment and replace; where you are a consultant juggling between tasks and meetings; where you delegate or automate like a boss; where you take the control of your life and destiny! 💪

You can start here by reading some of the blog posts or getting one of the books.

Books 📚

Multiple W2 Jobs Tips
Multiple W2 Jobs Tips
Multiple W2 Jobs Manifesto
Multiple W2 Jobs Manifesto
Multiple W2 Jobs Success Stories [Work in progress]

Posts 🤓